The 10 favorite Cereals for Developers
It’s a well known fact that the internet is powered by developers. Without them, there would be no cat videos or GIFS, which are so useful when words don’t cut it.
Needless to say, we are grateful for their enabling powers. Though one might ask, what powers those brave coders who empower us? Here at VOLTAGE, it’s an unhealthy amount of cereal. No less than 10 bowls a day- per person.
Here are the 10 favorite cereals that power our developers:
1. Honey Bunches of Code
“The magic’s in the code.”

2. Nested Froot Loops
“Froot Loops inside Froot Loops inside Froot Loops…..”
3. Cocoa Touch Puffs
“I’m coo-coo for iOS!”
4. Alpha Numeric Bytes
“Take a byte, take a byte, take an Alpha-Bytes byte…”
5. Rice Hex
.rice-chex {
color: #e9c99a;

6. Client-side Cookie Crisp
“Try clearing your cache and cereal bowl.”
7. Apple ® Jacks
“A is for Android sucks.”

8. Count (chocula)
“I vant to count the elements in your array!”
9. Corn.pop()
“Gotta have the last pop!”
10. Honeypot Cheerios
“Nobody can escape the honeypot O’s in HoneyPot Cheerios.”