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adidas Coachella Lookbook

Shoppable looks for an experience that converts

VOLTAGE's effortlessly viewable – and shoppable – Coachella lookbook captivated festival goers and drove sales for the adidas Originals line.

14 shoppable products


Highly visual design merges with clickable hot spots to send the viewer straight into shopping mode.

14 Product Photos


That we made pop on the page to drive engagement and highlight adidas products for Coachella fans.

7 days to complete


Our proven lookbook enticed adidas back for another round of lightning-fast creative and stunning development.

How We Innovated:


Coachella. Where music is upstaged by style. Once again, we tapped into our free-flowing spirit of innovation and overall hustle, securing a spot for adidas on the festival style scene with this shoppable lookbook.

Vertical scrolling through adidas imagery layered with festival-inspired elements puts an intuitive, curated shopping experience on center stage.

New Case Study / 27-3-18

Chipotle Community Fundraising

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