Colorado Ad Day
Sometimes it helps to put a few heads together.
VOLTAGE joined the Denver Ad Club for their first-ever Colorado Ad Day to brain meld with area cream-of-the-crop marketing and advertising agencies. We kicked up our heels at a killer Boulder Block Party at The Studio and enjoyed a 9-5 of lectures and discussions about what’s shakin’ these days in the industry.
Here are some of our favorite insights:
- Emotional appeals secure more sales: Data backs up what marketers have long suspected; we’re emotional decision makers, said Ethan Decker of The Integer Group. Turns out we all really do want to feel good, look better, and show our kids just how much we love them (or if you’re a kid, build your in-crowd cred). This is a key to increased sales.
- Brand success depends on NEW customers more than LOYAL customers: Turns out loyal customers aren’t all that loyal. Are you really NOT going to buy that toothpaste if your favorite brand is unavailable? (Ewww!) Brands have more success when focusing advertising on generating new users and increasing market share.
- Data and creative should be BFFs: Those number hungry data diggers and clever, crafty creative types shouldn’t be enemies — they should be partners! Data justifies creative, while creative gives soul to brands’ ads, said Matt Ingwalson and Johney Burke of Vladimir Jones. Don’t be afraid to promote this odd-couple collaboration in your organization (or find an agency partner that can make this mashup happen.)
- We’re still figuring out the work-life balance: Finally, we were glad to hear several butt-kicking parents discuss juggling kids and agency life. This panel discussion pointed to data that ad industry folks feel guilty both at work and at home (maybe we’re just type-A overachievers driven to do our best in EVERYTHING). Combatting the burnout that comes from a lack of balance is key to retaining good people. Voltage takes quality work AND quality of life seriously. It makes us better able to serve our clients!
All in all, we gave this workshop double finger guns for great info and a great time. We’re looking forward to the next one and a new opportunity to connect with the talented, tech-savvy marketeers in our region.