Rockin' Rich Media for Xcel
VOLTAGE along with the talented folks at Vladimir Jones have launched a variety of rich media banner ads for Xcel’s responsible by nature campaign.
VOLTAGE had the opportunity to work with TDA Advertsing & Design in developing a website for the Sir Richards condom brand which has recently been recognized by Commarts Magazine – the leading trade journal for visual communications.
Good to know we had our own little part in saving the world one condom at a time. TDA is an amazing shop and we enjoyed working with their team on a few projects like this. See the feature here on Commarts website.
VOLTAGE is a digital agency specializing in eCommerce, digital brand experiences, and web apps. Get emails and insights from our team:
VOLTAGE along with the talented folks at Vladimir Jones have launched a variety of rich media banner ads for Xcel’s responsible by nature campaign.
Fresh Produce Clothing is a women’s lifestyle brand known and loved by women ages 6 months to 60-plus for lush colors, year-round sensibility, and simply inspired design. A $50 million dollar company in it’s third decade – Fresh Produce has retail stores in La Jolla, Beach Haven, Martha’s Vineyard, Santa Barbara and other exclusive seashore resorts in North America and the Caribbean.