ILONA promotions
The latest promo and mailer from ILONA.
VOLTAGE has recently completed the identity for a new product line created by Umpqua Feather Merchants – the largest producer of hand-tied flies in the world.
The new line is called UPG – for Umpqua Pro Guides. VOLTAGE has been instrumental in helping brand and package the newly designed products designed for the Professional Fly Fishing Guide – which feature a small, medium, and large sized flybox, fish nipper and zinger! The product line debuted in last years Umpqua catalog which VOLTAGE designed and the retail packaging will be completed within weeks. To see the packaging design as it evolves visit the VOLTAGE facebook page.
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The latest promo and mailer from ILONA.
2019 is in the books. Let’s take a look back at what we did, made, and moved with some of our truly awesome D2C partners.